ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting


01/08/2024, 7:00pm

In Attendance: Monte Sicble, Gaylen Dewing, Jerry Kunz, Dan Reis, Dusty Hasper, Stephen Schnaible and Jamie Vetsch.


1. Call to Order

Chairman Sicble called the meeting to order at 7:01pm

2. Minutes Review

A. Corrections and approval of the Minutes from the previous meeting.
Chairman Sicble made a motion to approve the minutes from the Dec '23 meeting.
Supervisor Dewing 2nd the motion
Vote: Monte - Yes, Gaylen - Yes
Motion approved

3. Old Business

Chairman Sicble updated and signed the flood plain contract with Burleigh County.

4. New Business

A request for tax abatement was presented to the board. However, the board wanted to get more information on this
request and decided to postpone approving it.

5. Area Reports

A. School Board Report - Dan Ries

State board of education is holding a public hearing on potentially annexing 3 lots off of 80th St. One of
the lot owners wants to be in city of Bismarck school zone. The public hearing is on Jan 22, 2024 at 1pm.

B. Treasurers Report - Jamie Vetsch

Checking: $159,720.11
Savings: $135,050.50
Savings 2: $200,922.70

Chairman Sicble made a motion to approve paying the bills.
Supervisor Dewing 2nd the motion
Vote: Monte - Yes, Gaylen - Yes
Motion approved.

C. Assesors Report - Marie Horning


D. Building Inspector's Report - Burleigh County

1. Review Permit report from the County

Reviewed permit report, however none of the listed items were for Apple Creek Township.

Presentation given by Bob Melhoff offering his services for Apple Creek Township permitting process.
His fees are 20%-100% of the permit fee.

E. Road Supervisors Report - Jay Dollinger

Jay's last month as Road Supervisor will be Feb 2024.
Supervisor Dewing made a motion to offer Roy Kuil the job.
Chairman Sicble 2nd the motion.
Vote: Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes
Motion approved

However, Roy did not accept the position at this time, he will think about it and get back to the board
with an answer.

F. Weed Supervisors Report - Dusty Hasper

It was discussed that the county is going to hire a new weed board and weed supervisor.

6. Zoning Board

Supervisor Sicble closed the regular meeting and opened the Zoning portion of the meeting.
Roll Call: Monte - Present, Gaylen - Present, Eric - Absent, Jerry - Present, Dan - Present

Only thing discussed was a meeting Monte has with City of Bismarck planning and zoning regarding a potential
golf course in Apple Creek Township.

7. Adjourn

Supervisor Sicble adjourned the meeting at 8:23pm.

Next Meeting:
February 5
March 4

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