ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting


11/06/2023, 7:00 PM

In Attendance: Monte Sicble, Eric Richard, Jerry Kunz, Dan Reis, Dusty Hasper and Stephen Schnaible


1. Call to Order

 Chairman Sicble called the meeting to order at 7:01

2. Minutes Review

A. Corrections and approval of the Minutes from the previous meeting


Supervisor Richard made a motion to approve the minutes for the Oct. '23 meeting.

Chairman Sicble 2nd the motion.

Vote: Eric - Yes, Monte - Yes

Motion approved.


3. Old Business

A. Updates on ETA's

Chairman Sicble indicated that Apple Creek Township is getting back some ETA that was previously in the city of Bismarck's ETA. Monte also provided a map indicating the ETA that is returning to ACT. Also, Burleigh Country is asking all townships to update their ETA contract verbiage, as most of them are severely out of date, ACT's is 14 years old. The County would like these updated every two years going forward. Currently, there is no due date to have the contract updated.


B. Approve verbiage from lawyer for annual meeting changes

This agenda item was moved to the Zoning Board portion of the meeting.


4. New Business



5. Area Reports

A. School Board Report - Dan Ries

1. Apple Meadows 3rd Subdivision

Troy Miller - ACT Principal described the issue, which is a family in this subdivision would like to annex their land into Bismarck's ETA, so their kids can go to school in Bismarck, not Apple Creek School.

 Discussion was had about a paragraph from the 11/4/2019 Meeting Minutes (Zoning). Where this ETA and schooling issue came up before and incorrectly stated that children in this subdivision would attend Bismarck Public Schools.

 The ACT board and several school board members thought it best to clarify this incorrect statement. It is also important to clarify that the ETA is not indicative of the school district that children must attend.


Supervisor Richard made a motion to make a "correction on the Nov 4th, 2019 Zoning minutes, children in Apple Meadows 3rd subdivision will attend Apple Creek School."

Chairman Sicble 2nd the motion.

Vote: Eric - Yes, Monte - Yes

Motion approved.


B. Treasurers Report - Jamie Vetsch

N/A - Jamie was absent.


C. Assesors Report - Marie Horning

N/A - Marie was absent.


D. Building Inspector's Report - Burleigh County

1. Review Permit report from the County

The permit report was reviewed.

Mitch is coming to the next township meeting to discuss the Rick Johnson property regarding the mobile home and how that contradicts paragraph 7.1.2 of ACT Zoning Ordinances.


 E. Road Supervisors Report - Jay Dollinger

1. 62nd ST SE - road washout


Jay was absent so the board wanted to push this agenda item to the next meeting.


F. Weed Supervisors Report - Dusty Hasper

Burleigh County weed officer and the entire weed board resigned recently. Additionally, the County is not in compliance with the state LAP program, therefore the County will not be doing cost sharing for weed spraying until that is rectified.


6. Zoning Board

Chairman Sicble suspended the regular meeting and opened the Zoning Board.


Roll Call was taken: Eric - Here, Monte - Here, Dan - Here, Jerry - Here, Gaylen - Absent

Item from Old Business - "Approve the verbiage from the lawyer for annual meeting changes."


Supervisor Richard made a motion to "approve the draft verbiage from the lawyer for the changes in the zoning ordinances that occurred at the annual meeting"

Chairman Sicble 2nd the motion

Vote: Eric - Yes, Monte - Yes, Dan - Yes, Jerry - Yes

Motion approved.


Fema/Burleigh County Service Agreement:

One paragraph was added that Burleigh County covers FEMA for township members.


Supervisor Richard made a motion to "sign new Burleigh County (FEMA) service agreement."

Chairman Sicble 2nd the motion.


Vote: Eric - Yes, Monte - Yes

Motion Approved.


7. Adjourn

Chairman Sicble adjourned the meeting at 7:56 pm.



Meeting Schedule:

 December 4


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