ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting


06/05/2023, 7:00 PM

In Attendance: Gaylen Dewing, Monte Sicble, Eric Richard, Jerry Kunz, Dan Reis, Dusty Hasper, Jay Dollinger, Stephen Schnaible and Jamie Vetsch

1. Call to Order Chairman Sicble called the meeting to order at 7:01pm

2. Minutes Review

Supervisor Dewing made a motion to approve the May meeting minutes.
Supervisor Sicble 2nd the motion.
Vote: Monte Yes, Gaylen Yes, Eric Yes
May meeting minutes are approved

A. Storage of Act files
Monte did some research with the ND Township Officers Association and found that we need to
keep 10 years of files and software. Files are still at Eric’s shop. Need to be moved back to the
school for storage or given to the state archive. However, he was going to check if that is
different for audio/video files.
Did not get any direction from the conversation if we are moving forward with the Papervision
product from Fireside.

3. Area Reports

A. School Board Report
School is currently out.
School board election tomorrow 6/6/23. Check Facebook page.
The school board approved all board members and clerk to have keys to the school to ensure we
can get in for meetings etc.

To those issued school keys: School keys must be returned to the office when you retire from
your position, DO NOT pass your keys on to your replacement.

B. Treasurer’s Report
Checking: $196,087.81 Savings: $134,733.27 66th St.: $200,581.40
Kramer Agency $380 WSI $250
Supervisor Dewing made a motion to pay the bills

Chairman Sicble 2nd the motion
Vote: Monte Yes, Gaylen Yes, Eric Yes
Motion to pay the bills is approved.

Supervisor Dewing moves to approve the treasury report.
Chairman Sicble 2nd the motion
Vote: Monte Yes, Gaylen Yes, Eric Yes
Treasury Report is approved.

C. Assessor’s Report
1. Marie Horning gave a presentation for the open position and answered
questions of the board.
Supervisor Dewing made a motion to hire Marie Horning as our assessor
Starting July 1st to June 30 each year.
Chairman Sicble 2nd the motion.
Some discussion was had as to how Marie will be paid. That is as a 1099 contractor or a
W-2 employee. It was decided to hire her as a W-2 employee.
Vote: Gaylen Yes, Monte Yes, Eric Yes
Motion approved.

D. Building Inspector’s Report Employed the County
1. Permit Report reviewed

E. Road Supervisor’s Report
Road Supervisor brought to the boards attention that Marcus Hall indicated that the Northgate
And 66th st project is set to receive bids this Oct.
Request to spray for dust on the road on Pleasant View Drive, cost estimated at $1500.
Complaints about roads on Hillard Rd and others of Mees Addition.
Quoted gravel for a few different roads is $25,000.
Supervisor Dewing made a motion to approve a $65,0000 budget for the road supervisor to
spend as necessary.

Chairman Sicble 2nd the motion.
Vote: Gaylen Yes, Monte Yes, Eric Yes
Motion approved

F. Weed Supervisor’s Report
Reports of leafy spurge on Sunrise Rd.
Contact at the county is Leon Peterson

4. Zoning Board

A. Hoer Property
Supervisor Richard provided an update to this issue, which is: The lawyer reapplied in May for
the Writ. This gives the township another 90 days to get someone in there to clean up the
Hoer property. Eric is going to get estimates from contractors to clean up the property.

5. Adjourn Chairman Sicble adjourned the meeting at 8:35pm.


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